Sarona Market
Rendered Visualizations:
Bringing Imagination to Life through Images
As per our client's request, we were tasked with designing an Automatic Self-service Payment Kiosk that seamlessly integrates with the existing design.
Exact Sciences
Visual Renderings
In response to our client's request, we were commissioned to create an outdoor area with effective shading solutions, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable space for visitors.
Hillel, Jerusalem
Wood Detailing:
Showcasing Fine Craftsmanship and Artistry
On this project, the construction plans were skillfully prepared by my superior. Consequently, I collaborated with him to focus on the intricate furniture detailing, utilizing his expertise to ensure precision and quality in the design.
Stainless Steel Kitchen Furniture Detailing:
Combining Style and Functionality
After finalizing the wood detailing phase, I collaborated with my colleague to delve into the furniture detailing process. With their guidance and expertise, we meticulously crafted and refined the furniture elements, ensuring they align with the overall design vision and meet the desired functionality.
Metal Detailing:
Crafting Elegance and Durability with Precise Metalwork
Once the Stainless Steel Kitchen Furniture Detailing process was concluded, I proceeded to collaborate with my colleague to tackle the intricate task of furniture detailing. With their invaluable guidance and assistance, we meticulously refined each furniture element, paying careful attention to design aesthetics and functional considerations.
Selecting Furniture:
Curating the Perfect Pieces for the Project
On this project, I was tasked with sourcing 15 bar chairs and 14 stool bar chairs. Together with my senior, we carefully selected two distinct sets of chairs from different stores to meet the project's requirements and design vision.
Wine shelf
Metal Detailing:
Crafting Elegance and Durability with Precise Metalwork
On this project, the initial sketches for the wine shelf were prepared by my chief executive. I took charge of implementing the layout, incorporating the necessary text and measurements to bring the design to life.

Bugrashov Tel Aviv
Wood Detailing:
Showcasing Fine Craftsmanship and Artistry
On this project, the construction plans were expertly prepared by my manager. Consequently, I collaborated with him to focus on the wood detailing, benefiting from his guidance and assistance throughout the process. Together, we ensured the wood detailing met the project requirements and specifications.
Metal Detailing:
Crafting Elegance and Durability with Precise Metalwork
Once the Stainless Steel Kitchen Furniture Detailing process was concluded, I worked closely with my senior, receiving valuable guidance and instructions, to execute the metal detailing for the project. Together, we ensured that the metal elements were meticulously crafted to meet the desired design and functional requirements.
Hod Hasharon
Metal Detailing:
Crafting Elegance and Durability with Precise Metalwork
On this project, the construction plans were skillfully prepared by my manager. Consequently, I collaborated with him to focus on the metal detailing, benefiting from his guidance and assistance throughout the process. Additionally, my chief executive provided most of the sketches, and I took responsibility for applying our layout, incorporating the necessary text and measurements to ensure accuracy and clarity in the project documentation.
Be'er Sheva
Wood Detailing:
Showcasing Fine Craftsmanship and Artistry
The design for this project was skillfully prepared by my chief executive. Subsequently, I took on the responsibility of executing the detailing phase. I applied our layout, incorporated the necessary text and measurements, and ensured that every aspect of the project documentation was accurate and aligned with the design vision.
Evaluation Plans:
Assessing Project Progress and Quality
I took the initiative to create the initial set of plans, which encompassed the Structural Plan, plumbing, electrical detailing, flooring, ceiling, and lighting plan. These plans were presented to the client for their approval. However, the Furniture Plan and Sections were expertly handled by my superior, contributing their expertise to the project.
Rendered Visualizations:
Bringing Imagination to Life through ImagesIn response to our client's request, we were tasked with creating a visual presentation to showcase our design. This allowed us to provide our clients with a clear and compelling visualization of how the final design will look and feel.